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Kali Protectives Maya Helmet
Vital Review
Overall Review
Review and photos by AJ Barlas Mountain bike helmets have evolved very quickly in recent years, with extended coverage and improved impact technologies at the forefront of the improvements. These updates have provided the all-around rider with helmets that not only do a great job of keeping us safe, but look good while doing it. Though their staff has loads of prior experience, Kali Protectives are still a relatively new brand within the bicycle industry. This youthfulness shines through in their products and the brand's ability to come forward with designs that think a little outside the box...
Posted by ardor on 5/3/2015 7:58pm
Kali Protectives Avatar Full Face Helmet
The Good

Super light. Extra pads come with it. It doesn't look enormous on your head like some of the other helmets out there.

The Bad

Protects my head too well, now I don't have an excuse to get out of work...

Overall Review
I have had 2 pretty bad crashes with this helmet now, and it has protected my melon perfectly both times. Also, usually with really bad crashes the helmet will crack and you have to replace it, but this one is showing no signs of that. I love how light it is, it doesn't feel like you have a 15 pound lead weight wrapped around your head. It also doesn't make your head look like it's 2X bigger than your body, which really bothered me about other helmets. This helmet will not let you down!
Posted by reptar on 5/8/2013 1:43pm
Kali Protectives Veda Soft Elbow Pad
The Good

don't slip, good protection

The Bad

a bit tight at first

Overall Review
To pad or not to pad, that is the question... For my riding style, I don't have a need for the full body suits of armor so individual pads come in handy and can be mixed and matched depending on the riding conditions du jour. These elbow pads start out really tight and I had to keep checking to make sure I didn't accidentally order a size too small. I'm not a ripped dude either so just be fore-warned. After some rides they tend to stretch out a bit and are actually as comfortable as elbow pads like these get, which in reality is not all that comfortable, but hey that's the price of protection...
Posted by SaddleRags on 11/12/2012 1:09pm
Kali Protectives Amara Helmet
The Good

Has a quality feel to it, lots of vents, something a bit different than the regular Giro and Bell

The Bad

Little bit heavier than some other helmets, the fit dial is not as user friendly as some of the other one hand dial systems

Overall Review
I purchased this helmet a couple of weeks ago at a great deal. For the past several years I’ve been sticking primarily to Bell open face helmets but the deal was too good to pass up so I ordered the Amara helmet. The helmet is built really well, has a solid feel to it and in terms of quality it looks and feels comparable to Giro/Bell helmets. In terms of venting the helmet has 17 vents and breathability is great on hot days or on those extra sweaty rides. All the straps and adjustments work well I did notice however that the rear dial that allows for the customized fit it not as user friendly...
Posted by vics26 on 8/8/2012 5:24pm
Kali Protectives Aazis Knee Pad
The Good

Cool, Fit, Comfortable, Non-Slip, Killer looks.

The Bad

Have to take off shoe to put them on/off.

Overall Review
What a solid knee pad! They're so good I bought the knee/shin 180 combo for riding DH as well. I've taken some falls without the the pad budging and protection has been spot. Not to mention the pad looks good too, nothing crazy mind you.. just black and grey w/ a simple kali logo. I've had both the knee and knee/shin combo on in hot weather and my legs have always stayed relatively cool. They won't stay sweat free but what can you expect by strapping neoprene and plastic to your legs. In the past I've used the 661 knee/shin race pads and the TLD knee/shin. The Kali pads are WAY more...
Posted by ryan_daugherty on 7/31/2012 4:23pm
Kali Protectives Aazis Knee Pad
The Good

VENTILATION IS GREAT. They don't slide or bunch. Protection is adequate. Slim fit and comfortable.

The Bad

Have to take your shoes off to put em on.

Overall Review
They've kept my knees safe and cool in 105 degree F weather in humid south texas. They don't slide around or bunch up. When they get stinky I just throw em in the wash and let em air dry. Had em for about 8 months now and they've been put to the ground many a time. Not even a torn stitch. When you measure your legs for sizing make sure you do so in an athletic stance like you're on your bike. I measured my legs while straight and my pads are a little snug. But even though they are tight they are still comfortable and I can barely tell they're there. BUY THEM BEFORE YOU CRACK YOUR KNEECAP LIKE...
Posted by spoothead on 12/23/2011 4:11pm